Friday, August 8, 2008


What does it mean to be passionate about something? says that passion is "any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling" and "a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything." Madonna has a song called "Crimes of Passion," people crave that powerful feeling that passion conjures up; we all crave the intensity of passion.

But what types of behavior does passion elicit? What do you do when you're passionate about something, someone, some idea, some place, some anything?

Recently I've been going through a new adventure, and I haven't been able to sleep. New thoughts keep running through my head, and my new adventure keeps pulling me from my slumber and not letting me sleep. Read that bold line again: "pulling me from my slumber."

This has happened several times over the past year, on several occasions, and for several different situations where I have been passionate about a topic.

It seems that passion seeps into your subconscious and won't leave you alone, not even in the middle of the night. It is the lover's touch, the idea's voice, the intense experience that wakes you in the middle of the night, drags you from your dreams and forces you to pay attention.

So my current adventure has made me passionate. And damn, now I'm addicted to being passionate about everything ...

So, it seems there is one question to answer: Are you passionate? That's the one question that should be waking you up ... Are you passionate? Answer that and see what comes next ... maybe you'll find out as it pulls you from your slumber.

See you on the wire.


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