Sunday, December 16, 2012

One Single Moment

A Momentary Lapse of ReasonThat's all it takes. One Single Moment. That's all it takes to change the course of history. To change YOUR course of history. To change THE path.

Pink Floyd, Yet Another Movie, has some of the most poignant lines about One Moment, One Single Moment (one sound, one single sound) where your choice all lined up and made a difference. Do you remember the last moment that happened? Were you conscious? Did you make your choice with your eyes wide open? Were you awake when you made that choice and would you do it again? Did you curate your path, your point of inflection from then on, or did you let your unconscious addictions drive you?

This concept of a new path once past the point of no return has captivated me lately. We all make choices that push us past a point of no return. The question is did you do it with intention, or was is just an accident of fate? Can you remember, really remember, those vital points when you finally made THE choice?
  • The new job
  • The new baby
  • The new partner
  • The new love
  • The turning away from a chance
  • The exploration of the unknown
  • The leaving behind of a way of thinking
Were you fully committed, fully awake, fully engaged when you made that choice? Or did you let the winds of time push you down another path?

So here's my question: "Can you engage yourself and curate your next step?" Next time can you consciously curate who are with, who you want to be, where you want to go and not let your old baggage entice you to meander?

See you on the wire

-- Steven Cardinale

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Maybe.  What a wonderful word.  A word full of surprises and hope and dreams. Maybe we'll find each other soon. Maybe this time, I'll be lucky. Maybe a chance of a lifetime, a love of a lifetime, an idea of a lifetime is just around the corner.

Why do I love maybe so? Maybe it's because it lives at the edge of certainty. Maybe doesn't have the bitter taste of No, or Never, or Goodbye.  And Maybe doesn't have the certainty inside of Of Course, Absolutely, or Why Not. Maybe is at the edge. It's the moment before you land the job, win the award, or kiss the girl. Maybe's linger in the air and provide that rush of adrenaline that you get when the outcome is uncertain.

But Maybe can't be taken for granted. You shouldn't say maybe when you really mean no but just can't get the words out. You shouldn't say maybe when you desperately want to say yes, but you're embarrassed, afraid, or too shy. You should save your Maybe's for that moment in time when you really aren't sure if yes or no is the best path. Save your maybe's for when life's little wonders are at the edge of your tongue or the tip of your mind.

So here's my question: "What could you say maybe to tomorrow, next week, next year?" What person, place, thing, love, passion, idea, needs a maybe right now? How would your life change if you let a maybe drift into your world when you've been saying no, or take a breather and instead of committing because you're scared, think a moment and say maybe?  How could a simple maybe, a simple moment at the edge, change everything?

See you on the wire

-- Steven Cardinale

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