We all know about physical forces: Gravity, Heat, Momentum. But only a small percentage of people understand the principles behind these forces. When you're walking down the street and you trip and fall, most people don't think:
"Cool, I'm falling at 9.8m/sec^2" as they hurtle towards the pavement.
And although few people understand the detail workings of gravity, we are all affected by it every day and through every one of our actions. We sit in chairs due to gravity (since gravity pulls us down, we need to sit somewhere), navigate the roads, walk up stairs and do 101 other things due to this underlying force.
In fact there are several forces that underlay many of our daily activities that we may be completely oblivious to, but nonetheless have a direct impact on our lives. Physical forces like gravity are easy to see, but the forces dictating our choices (the forces of economics) and the forces dictating how we see the world (the forces of perception and marketing) are playing out on a daily basis.
The questions is: Have You Opened Your Eyes to the underlying Forces?
Most people consciously answer this question with a yes, but the true answer is no. They think they understand they forces that slowly boil beneath the surface, but in truth they simply are acted upon by the forces.
Do you understand even the basics of why people choose what they choose? If not, go out and read the book "Eat The Rich" by P.J. O'Rourke. It will start to open your eyes to why some people have made choices that make their lives easier and some people haven't.
Even wonder why you see Nike ads and why people buy expensive shoes? If not, go out and read the book "All Marketers Are Liars" by Seth Godin. It will start to open your eyes to the stories that everyone tells everyone else and themselves in order to perceive the world around them.
And even if you don't learn about the forces that are affecting you, at least start to understand that there are many things churning just beneath the surface that are limiting your choices and decision, and take a real look at your free will. At least then you'll start to see that the structure of your decisions has more to do with these forces than you at first thought.
Which pill do you want: Red Pill (truth), Blue Pill (fantasy)?
See you on the wire.